Build deeper connections with veterinarians.
Understanding veterinarians gives pet care marketers a huge advantage.
Get to know them better with a free topline of our proprietary study of these dedicated but challenged professionals.
Listen as pet care marketers share their good.
Conversations between our pet care practice lead Blair McConnel VMD and leaders from a variety of fascinating brands. Get right into the good stuff with The Good Minute.
To engage this (and any) channel better, you must know them as people.
Relating to veterinarians as people is the first step to getting them more actively involved with your brand. We surveyed nearly 200 of them in 2022 on a wide range of topics to move beyond what they do to why they do. And the findings were fascinating.
Survey Results 1
Does your tone align with what vets value?
Our survey tells us that veterinarians enjoy interactions that help their human clients value their expertise. What does that mean for you as a pet care marketer? It’s important to position veterinarians as the no. 1 resource for pet owners. Respecting and supporting their expertise will help you earn the trust of veterinarians. Interested in seeing the full study?
Survey Results 2
The top 3 traits veterinarians use to describe themselves:
Empathetic, analytical and purpose-driven. What does this mean for us as marketers? We need to craft content that will resonate with these types of personalities. A profit-driven message likely won’t grab attention with this group. But an emotional message on providing the best care, with data to back it up, WILL.
Survey Results 3
What causes veterinarians the most stress?
It’s not the pets. It’s the people. The #1 stressor for survey respondents was handling angry or difficult clients. Our survey tells us that veterinarians entered the field because of a love for animals, science and problem-solving. Conflict with their human clients is an area many aren’t prepared for and dread. Understanding this dynamic and the difficulties it can cause veterinarians can help you be a more empathetic and effective pet care marketer.