
Bader Rutter President David Jordan Featured in PRWeek

The Publisher Names Him an Industry Change Maker

As part of their Pride in PR series, PRWeek selected our agency president David Jordan to be honored as one of 30 change makers in the industry. David took the opportunity to discuss the importance of making increased representation and inclusion an industry priority through allyship and mentorship.

Asked about how colleagues can be allies beyond Pride Month, he replied:

“Being an ally is a simple step that only requires an openness to learning and taking responsibility for your actions, behavior and mindset. Today, it’s easy to research allyship and learn about the LGBTQ+ experience in the workforce and the types of obstacles minority groups face … if you’re unsure about how to show up, just ask. Leaders in the community will be happy to teach anyone who asks genuine questions with an open heart and mind.”

Here is another snippet from that conversation. You can read the entire interview here, but it is a paywalled site.

Suffice it to say, David’s thoughtful perspective makes all of us who work with him very proud indeed.